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Golfer Experience Fundamental Research

Facility Segmentation


Golfer Segmentation

Segment Descriptions​

Occasional: The infrequent and often reluctant casual player that is lowest on the engagement scale and learning curve. This archetype can be any age or skill level and is classified into this group because they play less than 12 rounds per year. All other archetypes play more frequently.​

Casual: These golfers are lower on the learning curve, lower on performance expectations and likely newer to the game. This archetype is classified into this group because of their lower skill level. They are the highest-scoring golfers that play 12 or more rounds per year and can be any age.​

Sporty and Seasoned: Golfers are classified into these groups because of their medium skill level and because they play 12-52 rounds per year. The only difference separating these segments is age. Sporty golfers are younger than 50, and often picked up the golf “bug” after participating in other sports or physical activities. The seasoned golfers are 50 or older​.

Avid: This group is golf’s passionate “weekend warrior.” This archetype has a medium skill level, and they play a lot of golf – i.e., more than 52 rounds per year. They can be any age.​

Player and Veteran: Golfers are classified into these groups because of their high skill level. These are the best golfers with the only difference separating these segments being age. Player golfers are younger than 50. Veteran golfers are 50 or older and have strong desires to preserve the norms of the game and the integrity of classic courses.


On Course Golfer ExperienceThere are more than 50 on-course golfer experience touchpoints

There are three types of touchpoints:

  • Satisfiers are considered motivators or touchpoints that can generate greater overall satisfaction if they are rated highly. Within this classification, there are two groups, satisfiers who contribute to greater satisfaction at a .3 level and delighters who contribute at a .6 level, with delighters being a greater contributor towards satisfaction.

  • Dissatisfiers are considered hygiene factors or those touchpoints that can lower overall satisfaction scores. Within this classification, there are two groups, dissatisfiers who undermine overall satisfaction at a -.3 level and frustraters who undermine overall satisfaction at a -.6 level. Perfect frustraters, touchpoints with a -1.000 score are those factors which directly lower overall satisfaction.

  • Hybrids are touchpoints not directionally impacting overall satisfaction but have a significant impact on that measurement. Falling between .3 and -.3, these factors can significantly impact overall satisfaction both positively and negatively based upon their individual rating. These touchpoints need to be monitored closely due their ability to have both negative and positive impacts on satisfaction.