Purpose of Rule: Rule 4 covers the equipment that you may use during your round. Based on the principle that golf is a challenging game in which success should depend on your judgment, skills and abilities, you:
Must use conforming clubs and balls,
Are limited to no more than 14 clubs and normally must not replace damaged or lost clubs, and
Are restricted in the use of other equipment that gives artificial help to your play.
You must use a club that conforms to the requirements in the Equipment RulesEquipment Rules: The specifications and other regulations for clubs, balls and other equipment that you are allowed to use during a round. The Equipment Rules are found at usga.org..
If your conforming club is damaged during your roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. or while play is stopped, you may continue to make strokesStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball. with the damaged club for the rest of the roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee., or have your club repaired by restoring it as nearly as possible to its condition before the damage happened.
Penalty for Making StrokeStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball. in Breach of Rule 4.1a: Disqualification.
You must not start a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. with more than 14 clubs or have more than 14 clubs during the roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee..
If you start a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. with fewer than 14 clubs, you may add clubs during the roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. up to the 14-club limit.
When you become aware that you are in breach of this Rule by having more than 14 clubs, you must immediately take the excess club or clubs out of play, using the procedure in Rule 4.1c.
Penalty for Breach of Rule 4.1b: The penalty applies based on when you become aware of the breach:
While playing the hole: The penalty is applied at the end of the hole you are playing. In match playMatch Play: A form of play where you or your side plays directly against an opponent or opposing side in a head-to-head match of one or more rounds., you must complete the hole, apply the result of that hole to the match score and then apply the penalty to adjust the match score.
Between two holes: The penalty is applied as of the end of the hole just completed, not the next hole.
Penalty in Match Play - Match Score Revised by Deducting Hole, Maximum of Two Holes:
This is a match adjustment penalty – it is not the same as a loss of hole penalty.
At the end of the hole you are playing or just completed, the match score is revised by deducting one hole for each hole where a breach happened, with a maximum deduction of two holes in the roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee..
For example, if you started with 15 clubs and become aware of the breach while playing the 3rd hole and then win that hole to go three up in the match, the maximum adjustment of two holes applies and you would now be one up in the match.
Penalty in Stroke Play - Two Penalty Strokes, Maximum of Four Strokes: You get the general penaltyGeneral Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play. (two penalty strokes) for each hole where a breach happened, with a maximum of four penalty strokes in the roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. (adding two penalty strokes at each of the first two holes where a breach happened).
When you become aware during a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee. that you have more than 14 clubs or made a strokeStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball. with another player’s club, you must immediately take an action that clearly indicates each club that you are taking out of play (such as by advising another player or turning the club upside down in your bag).
Penalty for Not Taking Immediate Action to Indicate Each Club that You are Taking Out of Play: Disqualification.
You must use a ball that conforms to the requirements in the Equipment RulesEquipment Rules: The specifications and other regulations for clubs, balls and other equipment that you are allowed to use during a round. The Equipment Rules are found at usga.org.. You may get a conforming ball to play from anyone else, including another player on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee. The boundary edge extends both up above the ground and down below the ground..
You must not make a strokeStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball. at a ball whose performance characteristics have been deliberately altered.
Penalty for Making StrokeStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball. in Breach of Rule 4.2a: Disqualification.
If you reasonably believe that your ball has been cut or cracked while playing a hole, you may lift it to check. First, you must markMark: To show the spot where a ball is at rest by either placing a ball-marker right behind or right next to the ball, or holding a club on the ground right behind or right next to the ball. the spot of the ball and then lift it without cleaning it (except on the putting greenPutting Green: The area on the hole you are playing that is specially prepared for putting, or the Committee has defined as the putting green (such as when a temporary green is used).).
If you lift your ball without having this reasonable belief, fail to markMark: To show the spot where a ball is at rest by either placing a ball-marker right behind or right next to the ball, or holding a club on the ground right behind or right next to the ball. the spot of the ball before lifting it, or clean it when not allowed, you get one penalty stroke.
You may only substituteSubstitute: To change the ball you are using to play a hole by having another ball become your ball in play. another ball (by replacingReplace: To place a ball by setting it down and letting it go, with the intent for it to be in play. it on the original spot) if it can be clearly seen that your original ball is cut or cracked and this damage happened during the hole you are playing – but not if it is only scratched or scraped or its paint is only damaged or discoloured.
Penalty for Playing Incorrectly SubstitutedSubstitute: To change the ball you are using to play a hole by having another ball become your ball in play. Ball or Playing Ball from a Wrong PlaceWrong Place: Any place on the course other than where you are required or allowed to play your ball under the Rules. in Breach of Rule 4.2c: General PenaltyGeneral Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play..
Rule 4.3 applies to all types of equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie. that you might use during your roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee..
This Rule only concerns how you use equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie.. It does not limit the equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie. that you may have with you during a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee..
You may use equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie. to help your play during a roundRound: 18 or fewer holes played in the order set by the Committee., except that you must not create a potential advantage by:
Using equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie. (other than a club or a ball) that artificially eliminates or reduces the need for a skill or judgment that is essential to the challenge of the game, or
Using equipmentEquipment: Anything used, worn, held or carried by you or your caddie. Objects used for the care of the course, such as rakes, are equipment only while they are being held or carried by you or your caddie. (including a club or a ball) in an abnormal way in making your strokeStroke: The forward movement of your club made to strike the ball.. “Abnormal way” means a way that is fundamentally different than its intended use and is not normally recognized as part of playing the game.
Penalty for Breach of Rule 4.3:
Penalty for first breach: General PenaltyGeneral Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play..
Penalty for second breach: Disqualification. There are limited situations where a second breach is considered a related act to the first breach and therefore only the general penaltyGeneral Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play. applies.