Current Projects
Category | ID# | Project Title | University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2017-17-627 | Satellite-Based Estimation of Actual Evapotranspiration of Golf Course Cool Season Turf | Utah State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2021-03-727 | Characterizing Immune System Responses of Select Plant Health Products for Putting Greens | University of Delaware Auburn University Penn State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-03-746 | A National Evaluation of Cool-Season Turfgrass Cultivar Water Use and Drought Tolerance under Golf Course Fairway Management | National Turfgrass Evaluation Program |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-06-749 | Investigating white grub resistance in turf-type tall fescue | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-07-750 | Optimizing Irrigation Strategies Through Remote Stress Detection | Virginia Tech |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-09-752 | Engineering Turfgrass Rhizobacteria For Selective Control Of Fall Armyworm | Auburn University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-12-755 | Use of endophytic microorganisms from a nematode-tolerant Bermudagrass cultivar as nematicidal biocontrol agents | University of Florida |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-13-756 | Variable-rate versus conventional nitrogen application methods to golf course fairways | Texas A&M University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2022-15-758b | Developing a standard for measuring organic matter in putting green soils | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-01-768 | Switching to Solid Tine Cultivation after Seven Years of Hollow Tine Cultivation on Plots Topdressed with Three Sand Sizes | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-03-770 | Remote Soil Sensing of Fairways for Irrigation Water Conservation | New Mexico State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-05-772 | Effects of Equipment Traffic on Turfgrass During Frost Conditions | Oregon State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-06-773 | Environmental and Economic Comparison of Zoysiagrass, Bermudagrass, and Creeping Bentgrass Fairways in the Northern Transition Zone | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-07-774 | Understanding Pacific Northwest Turfgrass Plant-Parasitic Nematode Communities to Improve Management Efficiency | United States Department of Agriculture - Agricultural Research Service Forage Seed and Cereal Research Unit |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-08-775 | Comparisons of early-season broad spectrum insecticide and novel insect growth regulator applications on non-target insect populations on golf courses | The Pennsylvania State Univesity |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-10-777a | Developing Management Tools for New Greens-Type Zoysiagrasses | University of Arkansas |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-10-777b | Developing Management Tools for New Greens-Type Zoysiagrasses | Texas A&M AgriLife Research |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-10-777c | Developing Management Tools for New Greens-Type Zoysiagrasses | University of Tennessee-Knoxville |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-12-779 | Mitigating Bentgrass Summer Decline Utilizing Endophytic Plant Growth-Promoting Bacteria | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-14-781 | Silicon to induce resistance to annual bluegrass weevil in annual bluegrass and creeping bentgrass | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-15-782 | Influence of nitrogen rate on growing degree day models for plant growth regulator reapplication interval on annual bluegrass putting greens | Oregon State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-16-783 | Effects of moisture management on annual bluegrass weevil movement, oviposition, larval survival, and turfgrass damage | The Pennsylvania State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2023-35-802 | Comparing the effects of subsurface drip irrigation and soil moisture sensors with ET-based irrigation | California State Polytechnic University, Pomona |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-02-812 | Cultivation Strategies for Improving Soil Physical/Chemical Properties in Highly Compacted and Sodium-Degraded Fairways | Texas A&M University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-03-813 | Soil moisture impacts on microbial diversity and dollar spot severity | University of Wisconsin - Madison |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-05-815 | Evaluation of interseeding methods for conversion of golf fairways to bentgrass cultivars with enhanced dollar spot resistance | Purdue University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-06-816 | Bicarbonates in Irrigation Water: Effect of Acidification on Accumulation of Carbonates in Soil, Infiltration Rate and Kentucky bluegrass performance | New Mexico State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-07-817 | Investigating a mower-mounted L-band radiometer for precision irrigation on golf course fairways | Texas A&M University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-08-818 | Comparison of Variable Depth Rootzone and Capillary Hydroponic Greens to Promote Sustainable Irrigation Practices | Michigan State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-09-819 | Survey of Plant-Parasitic Nematodes, Organic Matter, and Nutrients in Mid-South Golf Course Putting Green Soils | University of Arkansas |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-10-820 | Understanding the Physiology of Poa Annua Death under Ice Cover in the Field | University of Minnesota |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-11-821 | Impact of End-of-Season Fungicide Timing on Fungicide Inputs for Dollar Spot Control during the Subsequent Growing Season | Rutgers University, Department of Plant Biology |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-12-822 | The impact of nitrogen rate and growth regulators on modern creeping bentgrass cultivars | The Ohio State University |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-13-823 | Evaluation of gypsum and fertilizer products for enhanced bermudagrass performance under salinity conditions in sandy soils | University of Florida |
Integrated Turfgrass Management | 2024-14-824 | Can Fraise Mowing Reverse Resistance for Golf Course Superintendents? | University of Tennessee |
Genetics and Breeding | 2016-01-551 | Development of Seed and Vegetatively Propagated Bermudagrass Varieties Improved in Turf Quality and Stress Tolerance | Oklahoma State University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2016-38-608 | Bermudagrass and Zoysiagrass cultivar response to winter dormancy | University of Florida |
Genetics and Breeding | 2017-11-621 | Development of Seeded Zoysiagrass Cultivars with Improved Turf Quality and High Seed Yield | Texas A&M University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2017-21-631 | Improvement of Bermudagrass, Zoysiagrass, and Kikuyugrass for Winter Color | University of California-Riverside |
Genetics and Breeding | 2018-01-651 | Development of Cold Hardy Zoysiagrass Cultivars for Golf Courses in the Transition Zone | Texas A&M University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2018-02-652 | Development of Cold Hardy Zoysiagrass Cultivars for Golf Courses in the Transition Zone | Kansas State University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2021-04-728 | Buffalograss Breeding and Development | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Genetics and Breeding | 2021-11-735 | Seeded diploid buffalograss | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Genetics and Breeding | 2021-16-740 | Developing stress-tolerant zoysiagrasses as a low-input turf for golf course roughs | North Carolina State University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2022-01-744 | Transcriptome analysis of bentgrass germplasm using RNA-seq to identify novel targets for enhancement of dollar spot resistance in the field | University of Tennessee University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Genetics and Breeding | 2022-04-747 | Selection and Evaluation of Shade Tolerance in Creeping Bentgrass (Agrostis stolonifera) | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Genetics and Breeding | 2022-08-751 | Evaluation and Breeding of Kentucky Bluegrass and Western Wheatgrass for Rapid Seed Germination, Salt Tolerance, and Turf Quality | Washington State University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2023-02-769 | Evaluation of Saltgrass for Turfgrass Characteristics under Drought and Heat Stresses | USDA-ARS |
Genetics and Breeding | 2023-09-776 | Developing new bermudagrass cultivars combining improved drought resistance, cold hardiness and high turf quality | Oklahoma State University |
Genetics and Breeding | 2023-11-778 | New discoveries and methods for complex data analysis | University of Nebraska-Lincoln |
Genetics and Breeding | 2024-04-814 | Understanding thatch accumulation in creeping and colonial bentgrass, and its association with dollar spot disease progression | U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Services, U.S. National Arboretum, Floral and Nursery Plants Research Unit |
Environment | 2022-20-763 | Longitudinal Analysis of US Golf Course Value | North Carolina State University |
Environment | 2023-13-780 | Renovating out-of-play areas to conservation habitat: Effects of seeding time and method on plant establishment and ecosystem services | Purdue University |
Environment | 2023-19-786 | Climate change vulnerabilities of U.S. golf courses and potential adaptation opportunities | EcoAdapt |
Golfer Experience | 2024-15-825 | Using Google review data to discern the spatial distribution and accessibility of highly- and lowly-rated golf in Tennessee | Texas A&M University |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2022-18-761 | Soil Moisture Sensing for Golf Course Water Conservation – A Case Study |
New Mexico State University |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2022-24-767 | Estimating irrigated acerage in AZ | AZ Aliance for Golf |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2023-18-785 | Delaware soil survey and comparison to MLSN guidelines | University of Delaware |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2023-38-805 | Integrating Phosphorus and pH Management with a Plant Growth Regulator for Annual Bluegrass Suppression | Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2023-39-806 | Does the right divot pattern actually increase recovery? | Purdue University |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2023-40-807 | Optimizing Strategies for Conversion from Existing to Drought Resistant Bermudagrass | University of California, Riverside |
Outreach and Regional Grants | 2024-01-811 | Identifying and developing turfgrass research opportunities in the U.S. federal government and allied non-profit organizations | National Turfgrass Federation, Inc. |