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2015 U.S. Mid-Amateur Field

Field as of Thursday, October 1 (Exempt players in bold):

Brian Ahern
Joe Alfieri
Will Andersen
Josh Anderson
Jason Anthony
Charles Archer
Cory Bacon
Michael Basinski
Adam Baxter
Robert Bechtold
Reb Benton
Charlie Blanchard
Keith Blythe
Ryan Bogan
David Bolen
Chad Bolt
Alan Boyko
Ryan Brimley
Chip Brooke
Todd Brown
John Browndorf
Dennis Bull
Dave Bunker
Eric Burch
Jordan Burke
Rob Butler
Stephen Callahan
Matthew Carsey
Chris Cassetta
Jim Chang
Jimmy Chestnut
Michael Christensen
Patrick Christovich
Dae Chung
Anthony Ciaccio
Jonathan Coats
Matthew Collins
David Collura
Adam Condello
Jeffrey Cox
Tyler Crawford
Mike Cromer
Brian Csipkes
Michael Cushing
Leo Daigle
Jess Daley
Sean Daly
Clayton Davidson
Ryan Deimel
David Delich
David Denunzio
Packard DeWitt
Taylor Dio
Joe Doody
Timothy Driver
Marc Dull
Jim Dunlap
Brian Edick
Daniel Eggertsson
Roger Eichhorn
Gene Elliott
Craig Erickson
Barry Erwin
Jeronimo Esteve
Brady Exber
Kevin Fajt
Scott Fawcett
Matthew Fields
Robert Fillmore
Brian Flanagan
Jeffrey Fortson
Jeff Frazier
Mark Gardiner
Aaron Gavin
Brad Gibson
David Gies II
Jaime Girardi
Jeff Golden
Darin Goldstein
Justin Goodhue
Michael Greene
Antonio Grillo
Stephen Groover
Brandon Haase
Denver Haddix
Lawrence Haertel Jr.
Patrick Hall
Michael Hammett
Mark Harding
Mark Harrell
Michael Harrington
Scott Harvey
Colby Harwell
Scott Hasley
Reid Hatley
Nigel Hawryliw
Erik Heggelund
Cory Henry
Ryan Henry
Satch Herrmann
Aaron Hickman
Adam Hofmann
Chris Holland
Bryan Hoops
Brett Hudson
Keith Humerickhouse
Joshua Irving
Erik Jarvey
Bill Jeremiah
Blake Johnson
Joel Johnson
Domingo Jojola
Joe Kastelic
Brian Katrek
John Kelly
Ken Kinkopf
Daniel Koernke
Aleksei Koika
Brian Komline
Bryant Lach
Nick Lambos
Scott Lamond
Josh Lampley
Jack Larkin
Matthew Latham
Noah Lawson
Hyuncheol Lee
Philip Lee
Matthew Lewis
Randal Lewis
Endel Liias
Eric Lodge
Troy Logan
Danny Lovell
Darrell Lutey
Cameron Mackenzie
Michael Marks
Stephen Marland
Kevin Marsh
James Mastaglio
Zake Masterson
David May
Andy McCabe
Joe McCormick
Michael McCoy
Michael McDermott
Brad McFadden
Michael McGuire
Stephen McKalko
Wes McNulty
Robby McWilliams
Daniel Medina
Cory Mehl
Rich Messina
Tim Mickelson
Rodean Minto
Walt Moffitt
David Moore
Nick Moore
Michael Muehr
Michael Muscatell
Danny Nash
Michael Natale
Kyle Nathan
David Noll Jr.
Brian Noonan
Brad Nurski
Sam O’Dell
A.J. Oleksak
Howard Oliver
Tee Opperman
Jeffrey Osberg
Bowen Osborn
Danny Ott
Darrin Overson
Brett Parker
Weston Parrish
Matt Parziale
Stephen Paterson
Ryan Patrick
Michael Pearson
Denny Pelle
Jon Peterson
Jay Potter
Andrew Price
Clint Provost
Glenn Przybylski
Greg Puga
Steve Quillinan
Daniel Ragsdale
Matthew Rendell
Fred Rescigno Jr.
Joshua Rhodes
JC Riter
Jacob Rohde
Bob Royak
Travis Russell
Dave Ryan
Joseph Saladino
Matthew Salane
Matt Savage
John Sawin
Sammy Schmitz
Chris Schultz
Robert Schustrich
Jordan Scott
Scotty Scott
Corby Segal
Brad Shaw
Kolby Simmons
Kyle Simmons
Rob Simmons
Paul Simson
Glenn Smeraglio
Bryan Smith
Craig Smith
Dale Smith
Mike Smith
Nathan Smith
William Snow
Benjamin Spitz
Tim Spitz
Michael Standard
Travis Steed
Matthew Steger
Charlie Stevens
Scott Storck
Scott Strickland
Matt Sughrue
Rick Sulzer
Matthew Swan
Pat Tallent
Andrew Tapia
Justin Tereshko
Thomas Todd
Cary Tremper
Neil Trimm
Keith Unikel
Kevin Van Rossum
Ryan Villarreal
Charles Waddell
Michael Walker
Stuart Wallace
Mitchell Wayne
Blair Webb
Tom Werkmeister
Ben Westgate
Jay Whitby
Todd White
Brian Whitman
Brad Wilder
Brian Williams
Pete Williams
Wes Williams
Bill Williamson
Jeff Wilson
Steve Wilson
Dave Womack
Travis Woolf
John Wright
Andrew Wyatt
Nathan Young
Justin Young
Jake Yount