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Joe Dey Award Nominations Needed


| Jun 5, 2011
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The Joe Dey Award, which has been given by the USGA since 1996, recognizes an individual’s meritorious service to the game as a volunteer. The award is named for Joseph C. Dey Jr., who served as the USGA’s executive director for 35 years, from 1934 to 1969, and later became the first commissioner of the PGA Tour.  

The award resulted from a suggestion made by former USGA President Bill Campbell and former Executive Committee member Joe Ewen during an Executive Committee meeting. 

The Joe Dey Award Committee is made up of 13 volunteers throughout the U.S. These volunteers have been chosen to serve on the Committee because of their “judgment and commitment to the game, as well as their global understanding of what constitutes an unusually committed volunteer,” Chairman Brigid Shanley Lamb wrote recently.    

Since 1996, the award has been given on an annual basis, with Charles N. Eckstein earning the first honors. This year’s selection was Inez “Nez” Muhleman of Houston, who dedicated herself to the U.S. Girls’ Junior Championship and assisted young female golfers from Texas for more than three decades. 

Lamb said that nominations will be accepted by Committee members until June 24. They are asked to identify the volunteer and provide in some detail the reasons why the nominee would be a good recipient for the award.  

Those not eligible for the award are: Current or former members of the USGA Executive Committee and Women’s Committee, members of the JDA Committee, USGA General Counsel and paid officials and staff of the USGA and State and Regional Golf Associations. The name of a volunteer previously suggested for the Joe Dey Award may be resubmitted for consideration.