Accessible Golf
The USGA is committed to the belief that golf should be open to everyone. Virtually all golfers, including those with disabilities, enjoy playing the game for similar reasons.
When asked, “Why do you play golf,” golfers with disabilities responded with:
I play….
…because I like hitting the ball a long way, because I like being outdoors, because I love the challenge, because I have fun with my friends and family…
because I can.
Perhaps more so than any other sport, golf provides individuals with disabilities with exceptional recreational, competitive, and rehabilitative opportunities. The USGA Handicap System® and “A Modification of the Rules of Golf for Golfers with Disabilities” helps make this possible.
Learn more about the many ways the USGA helps make golf accessible, including providing support to the National Alliance for Accessible Golf and Special Olympics North America, USGA championship accommodations, and grant making.