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5th Golf Innovation Symposium: Call for Presentations

The 5th Golf Innovation Symposium will be held March 12-13, 2019, in Tokyo. The Symposium will present new research, technological advances and practical solutions to help golf facilities operate more efficiently and provide a better playing experience for their golfers.

The USGA has set a challenge for the industry: a 25 percent reduction in the consumption of key resources and a 20 percent increase in golfer satisfaction by 2025. The Symposium is a key platform for sharing the most innovative and most impactful advances in support of this mission.

The audience will be comprised of golf facility owners and operators from Japan and throughout Asia, as well as influential representatives from golf associations around the world. In addition to engaging the on-site attendees, the Symposium will reach thousands more viewers watching via livestream.

As we plan the Symposium, we are seeking presenters who will be able to help the golf industry move toward meeting our challenge.


Here are the guidelines for presentation proposals:  

  • The presentation must show improvements in the areas of facility efficiency in resource consumption or golfer experience at a golf facility

  • The presentation must demonstrate positive impact to a golf facility or to golfer experience through data, research or other metrics

  • The presentation must be no longer than 15 minutes

Please provide as much information as possible to help us evaluate your proposal. The deadline for submissions is July 31, 2018. We will contact you to move onto the next step of the evaluation process.

Thank you for your interest in the Golf Innovation Symposium. If you have any questions about the Symposium, please contact Hunki Yun at