Purpose of Rule: Rule 18 covers taking relief under penalty of stroke and distance. When a ball is lost outside a penalty area or comes to rest out of bounds, the required progression of playing from the teeing area to the hole is broken; the player must resume that progression by playing again from where the previous stroke was made.
This Rule also covers how and when a provisional ball may be played to save time when the ball in play might have gone out of bounds or be lost outside a penalty area.
At any time, a player may take stroke-and-distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) was made (see Rule 14.6).
The player always has this stroke-and-distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) relief option:
No matter where the player’s ball is on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued), and
Even when a Rule requires the player to take relief in a certain way or to play a ball from a certain place.
Once the player puts another ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) under penalty of stroke and distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) (see Rule 14.4):
The original ball is no longer in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) and must not be played.
This is true even if the original ball is then found on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) before the end of the three-minute search time (see Rule 6.3b).
But this does not apply to a ball to be played from where the previous strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) was made when the player:
Announces that they are playing a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) (see Rule 18.3b), or
Is playing a second ball in stroke playStroke Play: A form of play where a player or side competes against all other players or sides in the competition.(...Continued) under Rule 14.7b or 20.1c(3).
If a ball is found in that time but it is uncertain whether it is the player’s ball:
The player must promptly attempt to identify the ball (see Rule 7.2) and is allowed a reasonable time to do so, even if that happens after the three-minute search time has ended.
This includes a reasonable time to get to the ball if the player is not where the ball is found.
If the player does not identify their ball in that reasonable time, the ball is lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued).
A ball is in bounds when any part of the ball:
Lies on or touches the ground or anything else (such as any natural or artificial object) inside the boundary edge, or
Is above the boundary edge or any other part of the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued).
A player may stand out of boundsOut of Bounds: All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. All areas inside that edge are in bounds.(...Continued) to play a ball on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued).
If a ball is lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued) or out of boundsOut of Bounds: All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. All areas inside that edge are in bounds.(...Continued), the player must take stroke-and-distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) relief by adding one penalty stroke and playing the original ball or another ball from where the previous strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) was made (see Rule 14.6).
Exception – Player May Substitute Another Ball Under Other Rule When It Is Known or Virtually Certain What Happened to Ball: Instead of taking stroke-and-distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) relief, the player may substituteSubstitute: To change the ball the player is using to play a hole by having another ball become the ball in play.(...Continued) another ball as allowed under a Rule that applies when their ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certainKnown or Virtually Certain: The standard for deciding what happened to a player’s ball – for example, whether the ball came to rest in a penalty area, whether it moved or what caused it to move.(...Continued) that the ball:
Came to rest on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) and was movedMoved: When a ball at rest has left its original spot and come to rest on any other spot, and this can be seen by the naked eye (whether or not anyone actually sees it do so).(...Continued) by an outside influenceOutside Influence: Any of these people or things that can affect what happens to a player’s ball or equipment or to the course: (see Rule 9.6) or played as a wrong ball Wrong Ball: Any ball other than the player’s:(...Continued) by another player (see Rule 6.3c(2)),
Came to rest on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) in or on a movable obstructionMovable Obstruction: An obstruction that can be moved with reasonable effort and without damaging the obstruction or the course.(...Continued) (see Rule 15.2b) or an abnormal course conditionAbnormal Course Condition: Any of these four defined conditions: (see Rule 16.1e),
Is in a penalty areaPenalty Area: An area from which relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed if the player’s ball comes to rest there.(...Continued) (see Rule 17.1c), or
Was deliberately deflected or stopped by any person (see Rule 11.2c).
Penalty for Playing Ball from a Wrong PlaceWrong Place: Any place on the course other than where the player is required or allowed to play their ball under the Rules.(...Continued) in Breach of Rule 18.2: General PenaltyGeneral Penalty: Loss of hole in match play or two penalty strokes in stroke play. Under Rule 14.7a.
If a ball might be lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued) outside a penalty areaPenalty Area: An area from which relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed if the player’s ball comes to rest there.(...Continued) or be out of boundsOut of Bounds: All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. All areas inside that edge are in bounds.(...Continued), to save time the player may play another ball provisionally under penalty of stroke and distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) (see Rule 14.6). This includes when:
The original ball has not been found and identified and is not yet lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued),
A ball might be lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued) in a penalty areaPenalty Area: An area from which relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed if the player’s ball comes to rest there.(...Continued) but also might be lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued) somewhere else on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued), or
A ball might be lostLost: The status of a ball that is not found in three minutes after the player or their caddie (or the player’s partner or partner’scaddie) begins to search for it. A ball does not become lost as a result of the player declaring it to be lost.(...Continued) in a penalty area but might also be out of boundsOut of Bounds: All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. All areas inside that edge are in bounds.(...Continued).
If a player makes a strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) from where the previous strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) was made with the intent of playing a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued), but a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) was not allowed, the ball played is the player’s ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) under penalty of stroke and distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) (see Rule 18.1).
If a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) itself might be lost outside a penalty areaPenalty Area: An area from which relief with a one-stroke penalty is allowed if the player’s ball comes to rest there.(...Continued) or be out of boundsOut of Bounds: All areas outside the boundary edge of the course as defined by the Committee. All areas inside that edge are in bounds.(...Continued):
The player may play another provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued).
That provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) then has the same relationship to the first provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) as the first one has to the original ball
Before the strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) is made, the player must announce to someone that they are going to play a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued):
It is not enough for the player only to say that they are playing another ball or is playing again.
The player must use the word “provisional” or otherwise clearly indicate that they are playing the ball provisionally under Rule 18.3.
If the player does not announce this (even if they intended to play a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued)) and plays a ball from where the previous strokeStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) was made, that ball is the player’s ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) under penalty of stroke and distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued) (see Rule 18.1).
But if there is no one nearby to hear the player’s announcement, the player may play the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) and then inform someone of their actions when possible to do so.
This is true even if the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) is played several times.
But it stops being a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) when it becomes the ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) under (2) or is abandoned under (3) and therefore becomes a wrong ballWrong Ball: Any ball other than the player’s:(...Continued).
When Original Ball Is Lost Anywhere on Course Except in Penalty Area or Is Out of Bounds. The original ball is no longer in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) (even if it is then found on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) after the end of the three-minute search time) and is now a wrong ballWrong Ball: Any ball other than the player’s:(...Continued) that must not be played (see Rule 6.3c).
When Provisional Ball Is Played from Spot Nearer Hole Than Where Original Ball Is Estimated to Be. The original ball is no longer in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) (even if it is then found on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) before the end of the three-minute search time or is found nearer the holeHole: The finishing point on the putting green for the hole being played:(...Continued) than had been estimated) and is now a wrong ballWrong Ball: Any ball other than the player’s:(...Continued) that must not be played (see Rule 6.3c).
If the player plays a provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) into the same general location as the original ball and is unable to identify which ball is which:
If only one of the balls is found on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued), that ball is treated as the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) which is now in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued).
If both balls are found on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued), the player must choose one of the balls to be treated as the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) which is now in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued), and the other ball is treated as the original ball, which is no longer in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued), and must not be played.
Exception – Player May Substitute Another Ball Under Other Rule When It Is Known or Virtually Certain What Happened to Ball: The player has an extra option when their ball has not been found and it is known or virtually certainKnown or Virtually Certain: The standard for deciding what happened to a player’s ball – for example, whether the ball came to rest in a penalty area, whether it moved or what caused it to move.(...Continued) that the ball:
Came to rest on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) and was movedMoved: When a ball at rest has left its original spot and come to rest on any other spot, and this can be seen by the naked eye (whether or not anyone actually sees it do so).(...Continued) by an outside influenceOutside Influence: Any of these people or things that can affect what happens to a player’s ball or equipment or to the course: (see Rule 9.6),
Came to rest on the courseCourse: The entire area of play within the edge of any boundaries set by the Committee:(...Continued) in or on a movable obstructionMovable Obstruction: An obstruction that can be moved with reasonable effort and without damaging the obstruction or the course.(...Continued) (see Rule 15.2b) or an abnormal course conditionAbnormal Course Condition: Any of these four defined conditions: (see Rule 16.1e), or
Was deliberately deflected or stopped by any person (see Rule 11.2c).
When one of those Rules applies, the player may either:
SubstituteSubstitute: To change the ball the player is using to play a hole by having another ball become the ball in play.(...Continued) another ball as allowed under that Rule, or
Treat the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) as the ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) under penalty of stroke and distanceStroke and Distance: The procedure and penalty when a player takes relief under Rules 17, 18 or 19 by playing a ball from where the previous stroke was made (see Rule 14.6).(...Continued).
When Original Ball Is Found on Course Outside Penalty Area Before the End of the Three Minute Search Time. The player must play the original ball as it lies.
When Original Ball Is Found in Penalty Area or Is Known or Virtually Certain to Be in Penalty Area. The player must either play the original ball as it lies or take penalty relief under Rule 17.1d.
In either case:
The player must not make any more strokesStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) with the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) which is now a wrong ballWrong Ball: Any ball other than the player’s:(...Continued) (see Rule 6.3c), and
All strokes with that provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) before it was abandoned (including strokesStroke: The forward movement of the club made to strike the ball.(...Continued) made and any penalty strokes solely from playing that ball) do not count.
A player may ask others not to search for the original ball when the player would prefer to continue play with the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued), but there is no obligation for them to comply.
If the provisional ballProvisional Ball: Another ball played in case the ball just played by the player may be:(...Continued) has not become the ball in playIn Play: The status of a player’s ball when it lies on the course and is being used in the play of a hole:(...Continued) and a ball is found that might be the original ball, the player must make all reasonable efforts to identify that ball. If the player fails to do so, the CommitteeCommittee: The person or group in charge of the competition or the course. may disqualify the player under Rule 1.2a if it decides that this was serious misconduct contrary to the spirit of the game.