!rule-14391 false Section 11 HANDICAP CONTROLS Section 11 HANDICAP CONTROLS Definitions Within each section, all defined terms are in italics and are listed alphabetically in Section 2 - Definitions. Handicap controls, a series of checks and balances, ensure that a Handicap Index will accurately measure a player's potential ability. These handicap controls prevent scores that are not representative of a player's potential ability from distorting the player's Handicap Index. The following handicap controls are incorporated into the USGA Handicap System to produce a reliable and equitable Handicap Index. 11-1. Golf Club Handicap Committee An essential element of the USGA Handicap System is the Handicap Committee. Every golf club utilizing the USGA Handicap System must have a Handicap Committee to ensure the integrity of the USGA Handicap System. The Handicap Committee sees that scores are posted, all elements of the USGA Handicap System are followed, and the integrity of each Handicap Index issued is maintained. (See Section 8.) 11-2. Peer Review See definition of peer review. 11-3. Worst 10 Handicap Differentials Disregarded A player's worst 10 of the last 20 Handicap Differentials are not used in computing the Handicap Index since these scores do not represent the player's potential ability. (See Section 10.) 11-4. Fewer than 20 Scores A player who has posted fewer than 20 scores has a Handicap Index that is based on a lower percentage of scores than the 50 percent ideally used (best 10 of the last 20). The accuracy and reliability of the USGA Handicap System improves as the number of acceptable scores approaches 20. A handicap based on 20 acceptable scores is more representative of a player's potential ability than one based on fewer than 20. (See Section 10.) 11-5. Equitable Stroke Control See definition of Equitable Stroke Control. 11-6. Reduction of Handicap Index Based on Exceptional Tournament Scores An alternate calculation is used to determine the Handicap Index of a player who has two or more eligible tournament scores with tournament score differentials at least 3.0 better than the player's Handicap Index. (See Section 10-3.) 11-7. Handicap Index Adjustment or Withdrawal The Handicap Committee is authorized to modify or withdraw a Handicap Index of a player who does not return all acceptable scores, or does not otherwise observe the spirit of the USGA Handicap System. The Handicap Committee has the authority to increase the Handicap Index of a player who, because of exceptional circumstances, has a Handicap Index that is too low. The Handicap Committee must review a Handicap Index that is modified, reduced, or withdrawn at each revision. (See Sections 8-4d, 8-4e, and 10-3e.) 11-8. Penalty Score See definition of penalty score. (See Section 8-4b.) 11-9. Ratings Issued by Authorized Golf Association All courses must be rated in accordance with USGA approved procedures by a course rating team representing an authorized golf association. Each Handicap Index is determined on the same basis if every USGA Course Rating is uniform. 11-10. Meeting Licensing Requirements Only a golf club or authorized golf association that issues and maintains each Handicap Index in full accordance with the USGA Handicap System, as described in the USGA Handicap System manual, and is licensed by the USGA for this purpose, may use the term Handicap Index and identify it as such on handicap cards or elsewhere. A golf club and golf association must obtain written authorization from the USGA in order to use the USGA's marks and to issue a Handicap Index. 11-11. USGA Handicap Department The USGA Handicap Department may be contacted at: United States Golf Association Golf House, P.O. Box 708, Far Hills, New Jersey 07931 Telephone: (908) 234-2300 Facsimile: (908) 234-1513 E-mail: Web site: