Rule 9 - Reinstatement of Amateur Status
Rule 9 - Reinstatement of Amateur Status
9-1. General
The Committee has the sole authority to:
reinstate to Amateur Status a professional golfer and/or other persons who have infringed the Rules,
prescribe a waiting period necessary for reinstatement, or
deny reinstatement,
subject to an appeal as provided in the Rules.
9-2. Applications for Reinstatement
Each application for reinstatement will be considered on its merits, with consideration normally being given to the following principles:
a. Awaiting Reinstatement
Amateur and professional golf are two distinct forms of the game which provide different opportunities and neither benefits if the process of changing status from professional to amateur is too easy. Furthermore, there needs to be a deterrent against all breaches of the Rules. Therefore, an applicant for reinstatement to Amateur Status must undergo a period awaiting reinstatement as prescribed by the Committee.
The period awaiting reinstatement generally starts from the date of the person's last breach of the Rules unless the Committee decides that it starts from either (a) the date when the person's last breach became known to the Committee, or (b) such other date determined by the Committee.
b. Period Awaiting Reinstatement
(i) Professionalism
Generally, the period awaiting reinstatement is related to the period the person was in breach of the Rules. However, no applicant is normally eligible for reinstatement until he has conducted himself in accordance with the Rules for a period of at least one year.
It is recommended that the following guidelines on periods awaiting reinstatement be applied by the Committee:
Period of Breach:
under 5 years
5 years or more
Period Awaiting Reinstatement:
1 year
2 years
However, the period may be extended if the applicant has played extensively for prize money, regardless of performance. In all cases, the Committee reserves the right to extend or to shorten the period awaiting reinstatement.
(ii) Other Breaches of the Rules
A period awaiting reinstatement of one year will normally be required. However, the period may be extended if the breach is considered serious.
c. Number of Reinstatements
A person is not normally eligible to be reinstated more than twice.
d. Players of National Prominence
A player of national prominence who has been in breach of the Rules for more than five years is not normally eligible for reinstatement.
e. Status While Awaiting Reinstatement
An applicant for reinstatement must comply with these Rules, as they apply to an amateur golfer, during his period awaiting reinstatement.
An applicant for reinstatement is not eligible to enter competitions as an amateur golfer. However, he may enter competitions and win a prize solely among members of a Club where he is a member, subject to the approval of the Club. He must not represent such a Club against other Clubs unless with the approval of the Clubs in the competition and/or the organizing Committee.
An applicant for reinstatement may enter competitions that are not limited to amateur golfers, subject to the conditions of competition, without prejudicing his application, provided he does so as an applicant for reinstatement. He must waive his right to any prize money offered in the competition and must not accept any prize reserved for an amateur golfer (Rule 3-1) .
9-3. Procedure for Applications
Each application for reinstatement must be submitted to the Committee, in accordance with such procedures as may be laid down and including such information as the Committee may require
9-4. Appeals Procedure
Each Governing Body should establish a process or procedure through which any decision concerning reinstatement of Amateur Status may be appealed by the person affected.